Saturday, 12 November 2011

Asda vs Morrisons (22/4/06)

When Morrisons took over Safeway, I was gutted. Safeway in Anniesland was the best supermarket within miles of my house, and had almost everything I wanted. Morrisons came in and stocked up with a lot of low-quality produce (meat, fruit, veg, cheese. etc.), so I was forced to go to my local Asda, a shop I have avoided for years. This arrangement suited me for a while, as I had become lazy and didn't want to stray too far from home but, one night on the way home from work, I stopped at the Partick branch of Morrisons, which had just completed its transformation from an old Safeway. I detected a change for the better, not just in quality, but in price. The two-for-one offers are very tempting and, importantly, the pies are good! Asda, by comparison, is no longer good value for money, their produce is far from fresh (or, in the case of the apples and some of the cooked meats, far from edible) and they always seem to have empty shelves. In my opinion, Morrisons is in the lead in terms of local stores. I have never found Tesco to be to my taste (though that may just be the Maryhill branch) and Sainsbury is too far away for a quick trip to the shops.

This is what supermarkets rely on, a captive clientele. They can sell any old rubbish because they know that most people in an area like mine don't have the time, money or transport to go elsewhere. The remaining corner shops sell even lower-quality goods at ludicrously high prices (though one still sells Penguins at a price that equates to over 20p cheaper for one biscuit than my work's canteen!). I have been toying with the idea of shopping in the West End, even visiting the farmer's market, though I fear I may become accustomed to fare that I may not always be able to afford.

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